Sunday, August 22, 2021

VamporiumSURFACE v1.0 Available in the Unity Asset Store


VamporiumSURFACE is a "one shader — one material" solution that allows the creation of endless variation of surfaces with different properties, available for URP and HDRP. 
  • Use only one shader and one material to create many, very different variations, including diffuse (albedo) color, shininess, metallic, emission color, rim color, rim size, etc.
  • Save the settings of a variation into an asset to use it on multiple meshes, acting like a color/material theme
  • Randomize the hue, saturation and value of the given colors to make even more variations of your materials

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

VamporiumLANGUAGE v1.0 Available in the Unity Asset Store

With this pseudo language translator you can easily and quickly add learnable languages to your game. The translation is not binary (either the player knows or not a specific language) but it can be in a word-by-word or even letter-by-letter translation, depending on the player's level of knowledge.

  • partial translation of texts (depending on the percentage of knowledge)
  • different formatting for the translated/untranslated bits (using rich text)
  • preview of the translation right in the inspector
  • utilizing ScriptableObjects for language dictionaries: easy to use and port
  • usable out-of-the-box with the help of the provided components (for both the classic Unity UI and TextMeshPro)

Friday, July 3, 2020

VamporiumLANGUAGE is in the Working!

Almost done with a new Unity Asset. This time I will make easy to create pseudo languages that look like real languages.
It will support
  • partial translation (depending on the level of knowledge in that particular language) 
  • different text formatting (via rich text) for the translated parts, should you want to highlight them.
All I need to do is some more testing, a tutorial and the documentation... after these it is good to go!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

VamporiumMAP v1.0 Available in the Unity Asset Store

VamporiumMAP is a Unity3D asset that can generate h
ighly versatile maps. It's very quick to set up a basic map, it is highly modular and extendable and supports hexagonal and square maps and complex Biomes. Version 1.0 is 
available in the Unity Asset Store!
  • Several modes to generate elevation and colors
    • 6 noise formulas
    • Voronoy and Worley
    • Image
    • Lines/Grids
  • The system based on Effects makes the module very easy to set up and highly modular and customizable
    • Elevation
    • Model flow generator (chooses meshes depending on the tiles’ neighbors)
    • Coloring (per tile material color, vertex color, palette from an image, pixels from image)
    • Spawn/place objects depending on tile altitude or other criteria you can create
    • Biomes that can be nested to have really complex setups
    • Stackable effects with several blending modes
  • The generated tiles can be made into a single mesh to drastically reduce generating and rendering times
Get VamporiumMAP here.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

VamporiumMAP "Values & Effects" Tutorial is Live on YouTube!

In this couple of tutorials I present all Values and Effects of the VamporiumMAP asset.

VamporiumMAP is a Unity3D asset that can generate highly versatile maps. It's very quick to set up a basic map, it is highly modular and extendable and supports hexagonal and square maps and complex Biomes. Version 1.0 will soon be available in the Unity Asset Store!

VamporiumMAP "Biomes & Spawns" Tutorial Available on YouTube!

In these two tutorials I present how one can create really detailed biomes with VamporiumMAP.

VamporiumMAP is a Unity3D asset that can generate highly versatile maps. It's very quick to set up a basic map, it is highly modular and extendable and supports hexagonal and square maps and complex Biomes. Version 1.0 will soon be available in the Unity Asset Store!

VamporiumMAP "Quick Map Setups" Tutorial is on YouTube!

I've been working hard for these tutorials so it will be much easier to everyone, to set up a map.
The tutorial video is available below.

VamporiumMAP is a Unity3D asset that can generate highly versatile maps. It's very quick to set up a basic map, it is highly modular and extendable and supports hexagonal and square maps and complex Biomes. Version 1.0 will soon be available in the Unity Asset Store!